Andrew Johnson Impeach Essay

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Andrew Johnson is one of the many presidents we have had over the years but is only one of 3 that have been impeached. While he believed it was his job to keep the legislator under control, he violated the Tenure of Office Act, and he violated the Army Appropriations Act, and on top of everything else, Johnson vetoed over twenty bills that the Legislator tried to pass. This angered the Legislature which gave them many reasons to try and remove him from office. Andrew Johnson was impeached for these reasons and more that may be unlisted, and even though he stayed in office, the Legislature continued to try and remove him. The first reason that led to his impeachment was that he violated the Tenure of Office Act. The Tenure of Office act states that Johnson wasn’t able to remove or appoint people to or from office without senate approval. (Smith) Even though he knew that this act was in play, Andrew Johnson tried to remove the secretary of war Edwin M. Stanton from office to provide a court test of this act. This action was the first thing that led to the House of Representatives voting articles of impeachment …show more content…

He was a big softy to the south and favored them greatly. (“Impeachment Time Line - Andrew Johnson National Historic Site (U.S '')) This also greatly angered the legislator seeing that they were trying to reconstruct the south and help them adjust to non-slavery. Not divide them further into instability and