
Andrew Morgan The True Cost

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The 2015 documentary The True Cost, by filmmaker Andrew Morgan, explores several aspects of the garment industry from production to the harmful effects that it causes to the environment. Through the film, Morgan reveals the horrible working conditions people have to endure in third world countries like the low wages they get paid and emphasizes the great pollution the garment industry is causing in the aspects of soil and water contamination. The True Cost educates and persuades the world consumers about the shocking treatment of the garment industry toward its’ workers. The great abundance of emotional appeal like the horrible conditions, people dying, and children suffering establishes the strongest appeal and the contributions of …show more content…

Then unfolds by presenting evidence from both points of view of the worker and the industry. Lastly, the documentary concludes by spreading an inspirational message to the world about making a change, beginning with clothes. The major shifts are between the garment industry and the effects caused after. Other shifts are seen when the documentary states a fact and proves the fact by using emotional and ethical appeals. The overall structure gets the main point across of the industries effects and the need for change. Beginning by establishing reason Morgan gives background on the change of the industries production “as recently as the 1960 we were still making 95% of our clothes. Today we only make about 3% and the other 97% is outsourced to developing countries around the world.” The use of statistical data over the change of the production in the U.S. persuades the audience by noticing the decrease of manufacturing the U.S. produces today. Garment industries are trying to make a great amount of profit for cheaper prices in …show more content…

By interviewing educated individual with a degree and the factory owners persuasion is accomplished by the knowledge they have been studying about this issue and factory workers exposing the cruelty of the trading companies. In Dhaka, Bangladesh, factory owner, Arif Jebtik states that “in the west, they are using everyday low price, so every day they hampering me, and I'm hampering my workers, this is how it is.” According to Arif, the west cares more about the profit they make and every day they are making Arif have no choice but to lower the price of the manufacturing or they lose their jobs so they have to accommodate to please them. He is limited of his freedom and because of this Arif has to limit his workers too, Arif is exposing what these companies in the west do to them and establishes credibility for his honesty about the issue. On the contrary, Benjamin Powell, director of the free-market institute, negates the low wage Manufacturing “sweatshops” are not the least bad option workers have today, “they’re part of the very process that raises living standards, and leads to higher wages and better working conditions over time.” Companies cannot guarantee safety while generating tremendous profits, instead of answering why safety cannot be guaranteed, people kept justifying the cost because the

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