
Andy Hines: A New Technology For Nurses

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The new advances in technology are making a difference in the world. Nurses are learning how to use this technology and how it is beneficial to them and their job. It is giving patients new opportunities to be treated and making nurses’ lives easier. Technology is taking the world to new extremes and helping with the problem of nurse shortages.
“Andy Hines believes significant technology requiring new ways of thinking will be developed. For example, as life expectancy lengthens, what if a “super longevity revolution” takes place? (Saver, 2006, p.25)” Hines thinks that the upcoming technology will create ways to improve the life expectancy of people. He also thinks that the care for patients will move to a home setting. That will be the most comfortable for the patient and the needs of the patient are always put first. In the future, the home settings will be …show more content…

“As we move forward, nursing will continue to evolve. But some of the basics won’t change—basics such as advocating for patients, seeing how all the pieces fit together for the patient and, most importantly, caring for the patient as a human being. (Saver, 2006, p.25)” This is saying that even though there are going to be changes it is important to remember what nursing is about and to always put the patient's needs first. The patient’s safety and concerns are the first priority. Compassion is a skill that will always be needed especially in health care.
Some of the emerging technologies are challenging nursing and its practices. 3-D Printing is a new invention that is being used to replace human tissue and organs. This is very

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