Andy Warhol And Pop Art

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The images of Marylin Monroe, of the Campbell 's soup cans, of Micheal Jackson are easly recognized by the majority of people because they are still widely reproduced on magazine, newspaper and tv. Several photographic filters has been created to make pictures look like Pop art. But does this mean that Andy Warhol 's artwork are any good? Nowadays the answer to this question is “yes” but during the '60s and during all Andy Warhol 's career both art critics and people were divided on the subject. The group of people who said no tried to prove their arguments by saying that the subject choosen wasn 't original, that art and interpretation have a limit and they even use a controversial interview of Andy Warhol as the final proof. In this interview he aswered a question about why he represented common items in his artwork: “Uh yes, because is not original it is easier to do [and] gives me something to do” (Modern Masters, Andy Warhol), a strange reply that make many people think that his art was just a way to get money. Instead the group of people who said yes said that it is the idea that counts in a artwork, not the skills and the medium used to make …show more content…

After the World War 2 until the '90s there was this strong contrast between an economic boom in the United States created by the capitalist system and consumerism versus the spread of Communism, a system of social organization based on the holding of all property in common. The clash between these two systems and the countries influenced by them gave birth to the Cold War. The situation become more unbalanced than before when Mao Tse Tung became the communist leader of China. When he declares the founding of the modern People 's Republic of China on October 1st, 1949, he transformed China into a Communist superpower, but his political view was different from the Russian one. He began to lose power during the '70s because of a series of failed reforms such as the Cultural Revolution and because of his bad health. The Cultural Revolution is the name given to Mao’s attempt to reassert his beliefs in China, in fact Mao was afraid by the fact that someone else would take his role. He said that the bourgeois and the suppoters of the capitalist system have infiltrated into the government so he encourage the people to find and report these traitors. The Chinese respond by creating the Red Guard groups, militias of volunteers that spread violence across the country by arresting and killing many innocent people resulting in a failure of the Cultural Revolution. To avoid further dissent Mao created a "cult of his personality" by putting his images and famous quotes everywhere and to establish diplomatic relationship with the United States to solve economic problems. The United States of America was interested in the Chinese market and containing the Communist influence. In 1972 this brought China to become a member of the United Nations resulting in a the visit from United States President Richard Nixon to Bejing. The visit of Nixon to China was significant as it was the first