Animal Abuse In Slaughterhouse

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Animal Abuse in Slaughterhouses

Jacqi Diffley
English 11R
D. Hayden
April 8, 2016
It will take approximately 2 minutes to read this paper and in that time 360,000 animals will be killed to feed our greedy society. "Over 56 billion farm animals are killed every year by humans and more than 3,000 animals die every second in slaughterhouses around the world"(HFA). Animals should not be treated like objects, like humans, animals have the ability to think, they strive to live, they can show emotions, they can make connections and they certainly can feel pain. The way we kill animals are extremely inhumane and it should be illegal. Very few people are aware of how animals are treated and how they are killed, animals are tortured …show more content…

Many people around the world are not aware of the ways their meat is killed, they assume they are killed in a humane matter which means that the animal is not conscience while the killing is being done, feeling no pain what so ever, this is one common thought amongst the uninformed. Other people really just don't care, but they should care about what they are eating and where it is coming from. "It is often assumed that farm animals are slaughtered in a clean, orderly process that minimizes stress and pain. But nothing could be further from the truth" (HFA). In fact, most of the animals that are being put through the killing process are alive all the way up until the very end. Because the workers in the slaughterhouses have to follow a strict schedule a lot of the time they're unable to stun or bleed the animals to death, therefore sending the animals to a long painful torturous death chain. "Shockingly, slaughterhouse workers admit to deliberately beating, strangling, boiling or dismembering animals alive" (HFA). The horror stories that make it out into the public stating what occurs in slaughterhouses are absolutely absurd and should be recognized more. One anonymous Slaughterhouse worker states "these hogs get up to the scalding tank, hit the water and just start screaming and kicking, I'm not sure whether the hogs burn …show more content…

And in out society today that appears to be the only way to protest these acts. But they're other ways, for example, eating organic meat, buying less meat, donating money to foundations and more. Another reason people don't argue against it is because of the issue with overpopulation, well, fortunately, there are hundreds of other ways to help that issue than we are doing now. There are people that believe that since the slaughterhouse created the cow they are allowed to kill it. "This cow would not have existed if we had not already planned in advanced that at some point we would kill it. So in a sense the cow could thank us for its existence—at least it has some existence rather than none" (BBC news). This is like saying that if a human has a child since they made the child they are allowed to kill it. No one should ever be allowed to create an animal or living being and kill it because they chose to do so, that is against many laws that apply to humans and any animals outside of a slaughterhouse. Overpopulation is also another way people or large farm company argue they are not doing any harm. Fortunately, there are many other ways to settle overpopulation, mass torture of these wild animals is not the correct way to take on overpopulation. "do you think it's permissible to kill a cow and it it if is has had a life that's been good and it's killed painlessly?" (BBC news). Yes, it is permissible to kill an animal if it has had a fully normal life.