Mark Bittman, a food journalist, published the article “Who Protects the Animals?” in New York Times. In this article, he coined the term “ag-gag” law. It is a term to describe the law to prohibit whistleblower who takes photograph and film scenes related to animal abuse problems on industrial farm. It even prohibits anyone who distrubate it, whichs means a anayoums submit the evident of animal abuse. Those evident cannot be pulished due to the limation of this law. Currently in United State, 7 states have passed this bill. Bittman argue this bill does not protect animals and all farms should be regulated. I agree with Bittman. I do not think his argument is effective on the ag-gag law because his argument is mainly about regulation of
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Bittman believe the roof of this problem is the state law. Farm animals are not protected by state law. People are distuish by those evdeient. It in deed rise awareness. The law maker came up with an excellent idea to prevent that. They pulish who ever take the photograph of abuse animal, so no one would dare to take those evident. The public would see those distugish photograph because they cannot be puliblem. Isn’t that a great idea? Bittman believe this law does not regulate the farm. It gives farm more power to abuse animal. In my opinion, I found ag-gag law is inhumane to farm animals. It is also a set back and disgraceful for journalist. Farm animals deserve the right that slaughterhouses applies. Slaughterhouse has advance technology to kill animal. Animals only spend a minutes before being dispatched. The pain is far less than hammed the animals into death. It is undertand why farm does not have technology like the slaughterhouses. New technology costs money. Profit is out-weight than humanity. In this situation, it is important for state rule maker to insure that animal suffer the least pain at possible. Posing laws in farm would definity help in this situation. Everytime heavily fine would posed