Animal Conservation In Zoos

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It 's a sunny day with crystal clear blue sky, around is an intersection of all the world 's wildlife. Tiger, sea turtles, and flamingos surrounds the grassy common are featuring a cement learning building , there is a popcorn vendor and interactive exhibit. Millions of families visit zoos every year, and people have vivid childhood memories at zoos. However, these idyllic scenes, people remember are becoming decreasing less prevalent. Zoos have decreased in frequency due to increased regulation, more knowledge about animal care, and decreased visitor rates.
Zoos have existed for thousands of years and only recently have strict regulations been enforced. In zoos earliest state, zoos were reserved solely for the monarchs. The earliest zoo …show more content…

In the last few decades knowledge and policies involving animal care has dramatically changed. A lot of zoos claim conservation as a main reason for housing animals, but conservation has main obstacles. Growth rates of these programs have seriously declined to the lack of people involved in these programs at zoos(Alroy). Captive breeding currently is focused on larger animals and small herd sizes (Alroy). Most animals involved in these extinctions saving programs are not suitable and are not reintroduced into the wild (Alroy). Only 11 cases of animals have been successfully been able to be put the animals back into the wild (Snyder). Wild animals become domesticated, which is not good for the animal(Snyder).This has changed what zoos are trying to do with their breeding programs because intent is not to create tamed lions, they are attempted to bring animals back from the brink of extinction or for educational purposes by letting the public get a close up look at creature 's most would never be able see. Both of these tasks can not be accomplished if the animal is domesticated. The growth of the programs are the same regardless of the species, the growth is exponential and caps at a certain capacity (Alroy).It makes it even more difficult because the rate of mortality for young captive animals is a staggering sixty- five percent (Derr). It is difficult to start self-sufficient populations (Snyder). Zoologists need to constantly interfere with the natural development of the …show more content…

Zoos have closed because of lack of guest visiting the parks. In zoos early state, they were a very privilege thing the only people who had money especially the aristocracy . Zoos were called menageries (“History”). Animals and plants were sent from Versailles to Ardin des Plantes, to be used for projects and were viewed not for entertainment, but had scientific value (“History”). In the 1800’s, era of revolution, zoos become not just for monarchies (“History”). With the French and American Revolutions, these societies were moving away from their monarchies and showing that they could be self sufficient without heads of states. This skyrocketed frequency of zoos, because now they were not just for the aristocracy they were for everyone. However, now that zoos are more commonplace; perception about them has changed. Zoos have a decline lack of attendance (Selley). They charge to much which scares away lower income families (Selley). When the economy takes an unfavorable turn, non-essentials are the first thing to be cut, especially costly trips to the zoo. Most zoo admission starts at ten dollars a piece and it only goes up from there. It also costs more money to go to specific exhibits (Selley). Such as in 2008, every zoo in the nation took a hit: they all sold less tickets and received less donations (“Museums”). Popularity has steady declined in the last 20 years, because of a large collection other options people have to do with their free time (PLOS ONE). Zoos

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