Argumentative Essay On Zoos

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Zoos and can be places where the imagination and creativity of people, especially children, can come alive and inspire them to tread avenues that they never expected they would take. In the early years of my childhood, I spent many hours observing and studying wild animal exhibits in zoos in Seattle Washington. I would imagine myself in my dream world as zoo keeper or a veterinarian helping animals and knowing them each by name. As I studied and let my imagination run free; I knew that someday, somehow, I would be involved in the care of animals. Without the establishment of zoos and, I would have never realized my dreams and perused a career in biology and animal care. Animals exhibits are places of wonder and study for scientists and everyday people, without them, most people would never have to opportunity to see even a quarter of the life that populates their globe. Many zoos in the United States are held to high standards of …show more content…

This argument is split into three main viewpoints, the opinion that zoos harm animals, the opinion that zoos save endangered species, and a mix between the two. Viewpoint number three is more of a critique how zoos are good places where bad things happen and should be reformed. Each option has its own individual pros and cons but a reform of zoos and their standards would be the most economical for zoos and aquariums and this method would also be the least harmful and less stressful for the animals involved. The care and wellbeing of the animals involved should be the number one priority of all groups and by cutting back on over breeding, the phasing out of lager animals that naturally roam large distances, and creating environments that’s sole purpose is to educate people, zoos can become a better place for people and animals