
Animal Farm Essay

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The choice in which readers of the 21st century make today regarding book genres, are reverting back to a time in which books revolved around the idea of ridding societies from corrupt leaders and the lack of power the poor working classes continually receive. Regarding the recent election of President Donald Trump, there have been countless connections between his actions and the negative suspicions of his contributions to the future of the United States. Likewise, the scenes present in the allegorical novel Animal Farm written by George Orwell proves to be a relevant novel for readers today from the manipulation of the English language to the depiction of the poor working class. This dystopian novel reflects upon the infamous events that …show more content…

This powerful quote introduces another critical part of the foundation of a society, which is the potential newer generations bring. There is much stress placed on younger generations to continue the work of their elders or bring something even grander to the table that will cause their society to thrive. Even more importantly, they are incapable of comparing the events that are occurring in their present time to those that have happened in the past, before they were born. In this instance, these generations must rely on the words of elders to get a general sense of what they must be fighting for, but as stated before, the English language can become easily corrupted with misinformation that can be then passed down to alter the actions generations take. As seen in Animal Farm the newer generations do not understand what the original animals of Animal Farm had to endure in order to get their farm as it is presently and “They could not remember. There was nothing with which they could compare their present lives...The animals found the problem insoluble” (Orwell 50). This major devastation allows for political leaders to easily corrupt the minds of young generations and is one of the roots for dysfunctional societies, as well as the root for power-hungry

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