Animal Farm: Socialism Under A Socialist Government

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Under a socialist government, the controlling of property is a responsibility of the society as a whole. People have no way of independent actions due to being shepherded by the government. Lack of independence ruptures the efficacy of the human mind. Collectivism is the base of socialism, and when collectivism is enabled, socialism becomes possible. People cannot be independent, or else their commodities will be purloined. In order to live, they must follow the rules of society. Socialism is another configuration of enslavement, handcuffing its people to heed the rules of government (Lauder, “Socialism”).
Animal Farm began with a dream. Old Major, the old boar on the Manor Farm, summons the animals to a congregation, during which …show more content…

Socialism always leads to failure due to its inconsistency with principles of human behavior, it is a system that rejects motivation. One of the many downsides of Socialism is due in part to mock pricing. Set prices are never the right amount, which creates a murmur of shortages and surpluses. Socialism fails at operating a proper, profit-and-loss system, an important system that constantly surveys economic statistics of every company venture. The businesses that are the most successful are rewarded with profits, and those who are inefficient and unsuccessful are disciplined with losses. Socialism has no such system to record success and failure of companies. This means, no profits for successful enterprises and no penalty for the bad ones. When land, objects, or animals, are publicly owned, there is nothing to encourage anyone to do their part. If everyone owns something, people act as if no one owns it. Therefore, publicly owned assets tend to become neglected and unimportant. Socialism defined, means “a system of ownership of the means of production and distribution by society rather than by individuals” (Perry, “Why Socialism Failed”). Socialism, in short, is publicly owned, causing failure to recognize private ownership. The most powerful resource in a country is its people, and socialism disbands the human spirit. Socialism claims that it will give its people security in return for their sovereignty. In reality, it never works. Socialist programs end up taking anything they can get their filthy, selfish hands on, and in return they relinquish