Animal Rights: Multiple Christian And Non-Christian Views

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Throughout society, animal rights have been a controversial topic with both sides having passionate and complex arguments. Christianity has influenced both viewpoints greatly. This presentation will discuss what animal rights are, multiple Christian and non-Christian perspectives and my personal opinion on the ethical issue.

In order to develop an educated opinion on the matter, we must first see the reasoning behind the dilemma. This footage illustrates the conditions and processes in order to create animal products. These are all standard practices in the meat, dairy and egg industries and the abuse and violence towards the animals are still legal. Recently, more mainstream attention has been brought to the cruelty behind …show more content…

It clearly implies that humans should not abstain from certain foods as God has given them to us to enjoy and be thankful for. God’s creation is good; therefore, we should not reject it. This same approach can be applied to a vegan lifestyle. Animals are God’s creatures that we should protect and be thankful for, something impossible to do whilst killing and eating them. Also, this scripture could also be seen as taken out of historical context. This because Paul the author of the book of Timothy was writing to Timothy and the Ephesian church specifically. At the time, Gnostics who believed the body was evil and only the spirit was good were gaining popularity. This extreme teaching often included fasting, abstinence of various foods, and even harming of their own bodies. Thus Paul taught that God created our bodies and everything with love therefore, we should not harm …show more content…

It means that those who are kind to animals, are good people. Being kind to animals would therefore subtract them from one’s diet. Another notable verse is Genesis 1: 29-30 which describes the Garden of Eden – a place with no sin, to have a vegan lifestyle. God intended for us to eat plants and grains and to care for the animals. In the prophesy of Isaiah, God shows his intention for everyone to become vegan and peaceful. Even the lions will eat like cows. As it is no longer necessary to eat animals, the choice to move to a vegan diet is one that shows kindness and compassion. A possible grey area would be killing in order to survive. Although this is something not relatable to us now, in the past killing animals in order to survive is something that would challenge the plant based