Animal Testing Cosmetics

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Animals are being tested with cosmetics. There is no justifiable right to test cosmetics on an animal just to beautify ourselves. Cosmetic testing makes sure a person does not get harmed by the product. If the product is too toxic, it could affect their skin or eyes. Food production is another reason animals are being tested. This is so we can have healthier food and more nutrition. Why can’t we just have organic foods? This may cost more for us in the end but it would require no testing on animals. Food production testing is oral or can be put on the skin or in eyes of rodents, occasionally dogs and rabbits. Another type of testing is toxicology. It is the assessment of productions like: chemicals, pharmaceuticals, additives, food products and pesticides. These tests are performed with anesthesia because scientists know they are extremely painful. If animals will be in such pain and need to be put to …show more content…

There are alternatives to animal testing. Right now they go by the 3 R’s: Replacement, refinement and reduction. Replacement is using a non-animal which could be something like computer models or cells. Refinement is used to relieve pain and suffering. They administer pain-relievers, tranquilizers and anesthetics. Refinement also is less invasive, they use ultrasounds or MRI’s. Reduction is when scientist use less animals but test more on the same animal. Instead of using animals they could use computer models, MRI’s on humans instead of animals, use statistics and data obtained from previous animal testing or us synthetic membranes. Artificial cells created and used to experiment on. They could use human volunteers as well. “Synthetic membranes can be substituted for animals and they are used to demonstrate the effects of chemicals or topical treatments on skin. This contrasts greatly with the traditional tests where an animal's fur would be shaved, and then a corrosive chemical would be applied to its back to observe the effects.” (Murnaghan,