Dogs Should Not Be Used For Animal Experimentation

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Our society likes to have the latest and greatest products. People don’t realize how unethical animal testing really is. But, animals suffer physical damage, and we already have plenty of products, we don’t need any more.We can grow human cells in labs so that we don’t have to test on animals. Animal testing is unethical and unnecessary, because animals suffer for products we do not need, and don’t need to be tested on because there is technology to test products on human cells ethically.

When animals are tested on, they suffer physical damage. Animals are given painful injections. They are also bathed in chemicals which can burn and irritate their skin. Parts of their body are even removed for some tests. In Dogs Should Not Be Used for Animal Experimentation, it says “Experimenters try to mimic human disease by artificially inducing the condition, or its consequences, in animals.” Most commonly, dogs are used in toxicity tests, “which rarely use any form of pain relief.” The symptoms they suffer include “vomiting, diarrhoea, convulsions, shivering, anorexia and hyperexcitement; plus eye, liver, kidney, heart and lung damage, and of course death.” This is very unethical. It is also completely unnecessary. …show more content…

They make for more accurate tests. This is a harmless solution. According to the CEO of Human Society International, Andrew Rowan, growing human cells means “animals would largely disappear from toxicity testing programs”. It is more cost and time effective says Rowan: “risk evaluation of chemicals will be conducted in a fraction of the time, at a fraction of the cost.” Several major companies are looking to make this change. We already have plenty of products, we don’t need any more that involve animal