Animal Testing Persuasive Essay

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Humans are locked away in concrete cells as a punishment, well that is not the case for many animals. Animals are locked inside cold, bare, and hard cages their entire lives, just to be tortured until their death, all in the name of science. Their lives are a constant suffering, pain, loneliness, and depression. These animals are undeserving of any cruel experiments, though it is exactly what is forced upon them. Vivisection is the, “ live dissection or painful experiment of animals”, and is the most common way of animal experimentation The process has painful in its definition, yet is still used regularly, and is not considered wrong by many(Gaughen. This type of experimentation dates back to the ancient greeks and romans and was also done …show more content…

Scientists need to upgrade themselves and jump on the alternatives that other, ethical scientists have realized work as live animal replacements. Some replacements that could be used include, but are not limited to, the use of computer models, tissue cultures, isolated organs, and non sentient animals(MacClellan). Non sentient animals are animals that have little to no perception of senses and feelings. These animals if used, should be a last resort as they are still animals and there are plenty of alternatives that can be used. Animal testing is not even required the only factor required is safety and efficiency test, but animals are not needed for these tests. New technologies could even detect and predict subtle components that animal testing cannot, so why waste time and the lives of animals on inaccurate results. Results that could be found elsewhere with a lot less damage done. Not only are their new technologies but animal testing has been around for years and results and information has built up so researchers and scientists should be able to apple information already gathered and apply it to new technologies. Theres no excuse for the the suffering these animals are going through and researchers need to be a lot more appreciative of these animals and treat them better by letting them live the lives they were meant to

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