Animal Testing Persuasive Essay

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Animals have been used for medical experimentations for centuries now. The controversy about whether out not animals should be used for testing is well talked about in today's society. Animal testing should be stopped because it’s less reliable, inhumane, and more expensive. With those reasons alone what makes animal testing a good idea?
To add on to what I was talking about, animal testing should be stopped. In Source D it says “less reliable than other methods.” Why put animals in so much pain just to get research that we don't know will fully work. There could be reactions that don't happen with the animal dna like it does with human dna. They also said there are other options. “Some non-animal test are conducted on cell cultures, etc…(Source D)”. If there are ways to avoid using living beings why they just don't go that route? “Placed in restraining stocks and their eyelids are held open with clips”(Source D). Animal or human that is extreme discomfort. No one with a right working mind would want to do that, so why put a helpless animal through it. …show more content…

For instance, “... inhumane... it's more expensive…” They describe the animals with the words suffering, extreme discomfort, and pain while their being experimented on. If we were in this situation we wouldn't like it, so why would we do on to others if we don't want it done to ourselves. Even though they are animals they are still living beings, they need to be cared for just like us. Since the animals experiments are less reliable they probably have to pay for more animals because they would need more of the research. Even from a business perspective it doesn’t make sense, taking the risk of being sued and spending more doesn’t make

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