Animal Testing Persuasive Essay

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Every single year there are over 100 million animals in our midst being tortured in every way ( are injected into animals skin and eyes that can cause them to bleed or get rashes, just for our personal use ( Products are more and more being animal tested causing more deaths to animals. They torture rabbits, mice, dogs, cats, hamsters, and more ( Animal testing is becoming a bigger issue and now causes people to pay attention to it. Animal testing is inhuman, nonbeneficial being that we are testing on animals for human uses, and lastly not yet made sure of a way to do it without animal abuse.How can we let people do this to living things and just stand around and watch? Scientists do things to these animals that a human should never do. Companies don’t want us to know that every single year animals are hurt majorly in factories all across the globe. They are burnt, crippled, and injected with chemicals( They are forced to have these chemicals injected in them that could cause them to die, or have rashes. According to Humane Society, when even one registration happens it is can be tested on up to 12,000 animals. Imagine how many registrations they will get, and how quickly the number of animals they used will go up. Every time you order …show more content…

Animals that are made protected because of this are still tortured in labs, and there is no way to make sure that they aren't( We can’t say that animals are now protected when we don’t enforce the law strongly enough. It is not yet made that labs have to “report non-AWA protected animals”