Animal Testing Inhumane Essay

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All over the world innocent animals are locked in cold dark cages for the benefit of humans. In the US over 50 million animals are kept in labs and quite literally abused. Although animal testing may have been proven for humans in many ways its inhumane, usually ineffective, and unfair to these animals. Testing on poor helpless animals for the use of humans is cruel and inhumane. This act of abuse doesn't only occur in the US, but it happens all over the world. For example in the article "Help End Animal Testing" by Humane Decisions it states,"Each year, more than 115 million animals are bred, used, and disposed of as hazardous waste in research and product testing in the US." In the US alone there's over 115 million animals being severely neglected and abused; animal testing …show more content…

Peta explains "Animal rights means that animals are not ours to use for food, clothing, entertainment, or experimentation. Animal welfare allows these uses as long as “humane” guidelines are followed." The AWA is very underdeveloped and is not saving many animals to if any at all. When they say things must stay "humane" they are not protecting animals from being put through these torturous conditions. In the article Facts and Statistics About Animal Testing the author states "In the U.S., the species most commonly used in experiments (mice, rats, birds, fish, reptiles, and amphibians) comprise 99% of all animals in laboratories but are specifically exempted from even the minimal protections of the federal Animal Welfare Act (AWA). Many laboratories that use only these species are not required by law to provide animals with pain relief or veterinary care, to search for and consider alternatives to animal use, to have an institutional committee review proposed experiments, or to be inspected by the U.S."(Justin Goodman). This is humane? No matter how small or big an animal is it still deserves rights. Animal testing is

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