Persuasive Essay On Stop Animal Testing

730 Words3 Pages

Megan Johnson
Mrs. Lowe
Hon. Eng II
14 May 2017
Stop Animal Testing Animal testing is injuring and killing millions of unfortunate animals all around the world. Society has made it socially acceptable to test on animals, and that needs to change. Oblivious consumers that are unaware of the animal testing done by their favorite companies, buy thousands of dollars in merchandise from them. The majority of big name corporations use this form of torture to test the reliability of their products. From antibiotics to mascara, enterprises all over the world use blameless animals to try out their commodity. Animal testing is cruel and unnecessary, and it needs to be ended and banned as a method of experimenting with the accuracy of their goods.
Animal testing is barbaric and is murdering poor, innocent critters. Millions of animals are being tortured and abused for the sake of a lipstick or baby wipes. These animals have done nothing wrong, yet scientists put them through hours and hours of torture, so that teen girls can get the hottest new makeup product...but at what cost? It is immensely unethical and immoral to want to hurt these animals, especially when they’ve done nothing wrong, and …show more content…

Animals are getting their rights stolen right out of their paws when scientists use them to research and educate people (Baier). These animals cannot speak, so they can’t refuse this treatment, but that doesn’t mean it’s not torture. These animals are being forced into unimaginable and uncontrollable pain, and they can’t do anything about it, even though they have the right to an abuse free life. Some forms of animal testing inlcludes them being injected with drugs infected with deadly diseases, poisoned with toxic chemicals, put through skin and eye irritation tests (without pain relief), lethal doses of a test chemical, and other horribly horrific things. (The Humane Society of the United

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