Essay On The Pros And Cons Of Animal Testing

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This study examined how animal testing is cruel, inhumane, and harmful to animals. Experimenting or testing on animals is not only wasteful and unethical, but it is proven to be bad science too (PETA, 2017). The study also proves how many of the animals are dying because of animal testing and there are other alternatives in addition to animal testing. Many of the studies have discovered that animals are no different than humans are. Studies show company demands for animal testing free products are increasing. “If scientists start using alternatives like computer models, or biochemical/cell based systems the animal testing deaths will decrease” (NIH, 2016). If animal testing products start to decrease, the increase for animal testing free products will not be as high as it is now. Many scientists believe that animal testing is a huge contribution to society, but it is often inhumane …show more content…

“94% of drugs that pass animal tests fail in human clinical trials” (Procon, 2004). Trials show how humans and animals react the same way. “Based on the traditional assumption that animals respond the same way that humans do when exposed to certain products, unknown numbers of animals, mostly rabbits, mice, and rats, are subject to tests that assess the safety of cosmetic, personal care, household products, chemicals, medical devices, and their component ingredients” (AAVS, 2017). With humans and animals being exposed to certain products, animals are only being wasted, knowing the reaction will be same on the animal as it is on a human. “The anatomic, metabolic, and cellular differences between animals and people make animals poor models for human beings” (Procon, 2004). Since animals and humans are so alike, they are not good to be tested or experimented on because they react the same exact way. Testing on animals is just like testing on

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