Animal Testing Argument Essay

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Animal experimentation is unreliable, as animals are very different from humans, and it is highly abusive. Animals have been scientific test subjects since ancient times of Rome and Greeks. Animal testing has proved to be inhumane, unreliable, harmful to humans, and deadly to all. Animal testing is very ineffective because of the lack of similarities animals share with humans. “Animal data is so unreliable, that for decades, the tobacco industry used it to prove that nicotine is not harmful. It was only through human studies that the link between tobacco consumption and cancer, heart disease, and other pulmonary illnesses was proved.” (Help End, ) Animal testing in this case was not helpful, as it “proved” that since nicotine wasn’t bad for …show more content…

Abuse can be defined as “excessive cruelty (willfully subjecting others to pain and suffering) or habitual violence.” (, 2014) Abuse is still allowed in animal testing because the “only U.S. law that governs the use of animals in laboratories-the Animal Welfare Act- allows animals to be burned, shocked, poisoned, isolated, starved, forcibly restrained, addicted to drugs, and brain damaged” (Animal Research and Testing, 2007). One of the most infamous examples of animal cruelty in laboratories is the use of the decompression chamber. The decompression chambers were researched by Nazi Germans with other humans. (Animal Liberation, 2008). “No experiment, no matter how painful or trivial, is prohibited [by the US government]- and pain-killers are not required [for the animals]. (Animal Testing is Bad Practice, ). When it comes to pain relief, humans are spoiled. When our throat hurts, we have cough syrup. When you get a minor headache, you take some Ibuprofen. An article was published by Santa Clara University that states that annually “an estimated eight million [animals] are used in painful experiments. Reports show that at least ten percent of these animals do not receive pain killers” (Andre Velasquez, ) Assuming there are eight million animals being tested on, there are eight-hundred thousand animals that do not receive pain killers during experiments that cause