Animal Testing For Persuasive Essay: Save The Animals

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Save the Animals Animals are tortured and abused every day to test the safety of products being sold to the public. All over the world, unnecessary tests are being done on innocent creatures. Not only are the tests cruel and inhumane, but they also have been inaccurate for the use of humans. With that being said, animal testing needs to be put to an end. There are many people that claim animal testing is necessary for keeping the human species alive. To back up their beliefs, those who feel animal testing is mandatory have proven that it has contributed to various life-saving treatments. Experiments have also shown that the testing on animals can lead to the discovery of more cures. Over the last decade, animal testing has played an immense role in nearly every medical discovery. For example, the use of animal testing has bolstered a huge role in the disappearance of Smallpox. …show more content…

There are immeasurable amounts of animals being fattened up, tortured, and eventually killed for the testing the safety of products. Windex, Post-it Notes, Condoms, Mars candy bars, Band-Aids, Kleenex, and various cosmetics are just a few examples of items that are first tested on animals. These animals, like humans, can feel excruciating pain. When the animal is being tested on, the experiment works or fails. Even if the product works after they test it several times, they will kill the animal and dispose of it. It is almost as if some people do not think anything of animals. Whether living or deceased, companies will kill and throw away animals like they never had a beating

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