Pro Animal Testing Essay

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You open up your newspaper and you see the top headline. “100 people dead after testing new vaccine to treat cancer.” Would you really want to live in a world like this? You probably wouldn’t want to. However this is normal, because this is a world without animal testing. In order to keep the population and welfare of humans safe , animals should be tested on before the human population.
Animal testing saves human lives and benefits society. Animal testing serves a key role in ending thousands and millions of diseases.For example, “zAnd in the1940s and 1950s, Jonas Salk and Albert Sabin experimented on research monkeys and chimpanzees to develop polio vaccines.. The polio vaccines were powerful. In the first three years of their use , new polio cases in the United States decreased by more than 85% percent.”If the polio cases were down that means that less people were being infected by this horrible disease. If less people were getting this disease, than less people were dying. When less people …show more content…

Since that was the case, the procedures also work on animals. Theses vaccines and procedures are also saving animal lives. Another example is, “ Vaccines, antibiotics, anesthetics, surgical procedures, and other approaches developed in animals for human use are now commonly employed throughout veterinary medicine.”Most people who want animal testing to end, want animals to be healthy and not being harmed. They also think that humans are the only ones who benefit from this. However they are wrong, not only do humans benefit, animals do too. This saves thousand and millions of human and animal lives. Those who are animal lovers will be happy to know that animal testing saved their pet/pets lives.Overall animal testing benefits everyone, both humans and animals. Animal testing can save millions animal and human lives. Animal testing is so important, that it could save a crisis that could be a threat to the world’s food