Persuasive Essay On Animal Testing Pros And Cons

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Animal Testing Every year 6 million animals are killed from cosmetic testing. Most people would never go up to an animal and purposely harm it. However, by using make up products on a daily basis it is as if they are killing those animals. There are some cosmetic companies that have been capable of creating their products in a cruelty-free way. This just proves that animal testing is not a necessity for not only makeup, but other things as well. Many people who support animal testing would change their minds if they did their research on the pros, cons, and alternatives of it. Animal testing in the medical field has been very useful in the past. Scientist were capable of testing vaccines and medicines on animals that later became successful treatment for human diseases. Testing on animals can result in more effective results than those obtained from running tests on human cells artificially grown in a petri dish. Animal testing helps scientists avoid running dangerous tests on humans that could potentially harm them. Humans are not the only ones who have benefited from animal testing. There have been vaccines created for animals to cure their possible diseases through this form of testing. …show more content…

The DNA of an animal is so different from human DNA that the results of an animal test are completely irrelevant. There have been cases where certain products that appeared to be safe after tested on animals turned out to be extremely harmful to humans. For example, “The 1950s sleeping pill thalidomide, which caused 10,000 babies to be born with severe deformities, was tested on animals prior to its commercial release”(Animal Testing Pros and Cons). Aspirin appeared to be dangerous because of the effects it had on animals, but everyone knows that it has turned out to be quite beneficial to

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