Persuasive Essay On Animal Testing

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Many of the test subjects never see the outside world after being put into the testing facilities. It is really sad to see what these tests do to the animals. And at the same time most of the tests conducted are pretty irrelevant, because animals and humans react differently. The animal testing used with cosmetic companies is immoral and should be outlawed because most animals that are used for testing end up dying due to poor conditions or a reaction to the chemicals used in the test.
Many cosmetic companies use animals to test their products before the hit the shelves. ”Cosmetics testing on animals are especially controversial because many consider the benefit of yet another cosmetic product to be of dubious value when weighed against animals’ …show more content…

It is very sad to see the harsh conditions that these animals have to live in for so very long. “Every year in the U.S., over 25 million animals are used in biomedical experimentation, product and cosmetic testing, and science education” ("Harm and Suffering | Animal Use in Research." Harm and Suffering | Animal Use in Research. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Mar. 2015.). Of these 25 million animals most of these animals never have the opportunity to live a normal life upon reaching these testing facilities. “The question is not, can they reason, nor, can they talk. But, can they suffer? “(Bentham as quoted by “Harm and Suffering”). Not to mention that they have to live in very poor conditions. “The Animal Welfare Act (AWA) is the only federal law that provides even minimal protection for animals in laboratories” (Bentham as quoted by “Harm and Suffering”). It is a shame that the animals can’t get more support. Animals need more than one “BIG” organization to have laws for the animals. “However, it is assumed that the degree of pain endured is grossly underreported, as no objective criteria is in place to guarantee accurate perception and reporting of pain and suffering”( Doktorova, Tatyana Y., et al. "Opportunities For An Alternative Integrating Testing Strategy For Carcinogen Hazard Assessment??." Critical Reviews In Toxicology 42.2 (2012): 91-106. Academic Search Complete. …show more content…

It could provide concurrent information on toxicokinetics, histopathology, and clinical pathology, which could be helpful for the interpretation of the results” (Rothfuss et al., 2011). Some places inject the animals with things knowing that they are going to suffer and die. “Since then the animal bioassays have evolved from “re-creation” of human diseases to one of prediction” (Beyer, 2011). Scientists have recreated diseases and one way or another infect animals with the diseases to “predict” what could happen to humans. There is no way to really test diseases because people react