Persuasive Essay On Cosmetic Animal Testing

693 Words3 Pages

Animal Testing
Each year, in the United States an estimated seventy million animals are hurt and killed in the name of science.
Cosmetic animal testing needs to be stopped.
It is significant to end cosmetic animal testing because it is expensive, wasteful, and an untrustworthy experiment
Animal testing is not a simple and inexpensive process.
Taxes support animal testing.
Billions of taxpayer dollars are used to support animal testing
“USA spends $16 billion dollars annually for animal testing at taxpayers' expense and is subject to massive waste and mismanagement of taxpayers' dollars”(Louis Terrance).
The actual testing itself is expensive
Each test on just 1 animal costs hundreds if not thousands of dollars.
With the …show more content…

There are a plethora of other diseases and reactions that humans get that animals do not.
PETA has found that acute toxicity, which is basic chemical reactions to animals, has never been scientifically proven to work. Meaning, these tests aren’t reliable if they can’t be proven to work.
Cosmetic tests that work on animals are not always guaranteed to work on humans.

“The FDA reports that 92 percent of drugs approved for testing in humans fail to receive approval for human use.”(NEAVS)
This goes back to my following statement, because animals are not humans, they do not have the same bodily functions as us, so it’s very risky to trust these tests in the first place. The fact is, we already are testing on humans because of animal testing is simply not reliable enough.
People worry that without animals testing that humans will have to be tested on.
The fact is, humans are already tested on.
Afterall, as the FDA studied, only 8% of tests are approved to work on humans. So, of the 92% humans are the test subject. The first person to ever use a product is the very first of the human race to use it, and it is not obligated to work.
Cosmetic animal testing is expensive, wasteful, and an untrustworthy

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