How To Stop Animal Testing Persuasive Essay

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Good morning politicians my name is Radcliffe, I am here to talk to you about why animal testing should not be allowed. In 2014 Queensland used 1,202,343 animals for testing. Is this how you want animals to be treated? We as a society have been doing this for far too long. Animals should not be tested on. Animal testing is not safe; Animal testing is not accurate and Animal testing costs more than alternative testing.

The problem I have with animal testing is that it is unsafe for animals. Examples of this are each year experimentation, and cosmetic testing kill 26,398 animals in Australia alone. Animal testing is also not accurate, A heart pill was tested on mice was released and it caused nearly 30,000 heart attacks. And animal testing a lot costs more than alternative testing. Its time to we stop animal testing. If we don’t stop it today we would be killing innocent animals and be wasting our money. …show more content…

An example of an alternative is in virto testing which is a method that imitates human cells; virto testing does not harm anyone. By doing this we would be saving animal lives and money. When preforming Phototoxicity tests on animals it would cost $11,500 while virto test only costs $1,300 that’s a big difference. Don’t you think it’s a better idea to start saving money and animal lives? This would make a better future. A counter argument is that animal testing has saved humans, the polo vaccine was tested on animals and reduced the amount of cases when down by 99.9%. That is impressive but did you that 92 out of a 100 tested products failed on humans. The solution that I have suggested is the only way we can avoid animal casualties in the