
Persuasive Essay Against Animal Testing

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Animal testing in the United States alone test over one hundred million animals a year, they’re burned crippled and abused.Some test include killing pregnant animals and testing their babies.These animals include mice, rats, primates, birds, cats, dogs,
Fish, guinea pigs, and minipigs. There are alternative ways to test products that we overlook. Animal testing is inhumane and society needs to find other ways to test products.

Animal testing has been around for a while it is used repeatedly throughout the history of biomedical research as early as Early Greek physician-scientists, such as Aristotle, 384 – 322 BC and Erasistratus, 304 – 258 BC.A lot of people use this as a reason why it’s okay they say that people have relied on animal …show more content…

The rabbits can suffer from redness, bleeding, ulcers, and even blindness. This is testing shampoo and soap and other things you might get in your eye and what happens when you don’t.
Acute Toxicity: This is used to test the danger of a chemical when exposed to it by making an animal eat it putting it on its skin of inhalation.For decades, large amounts of animals were poisoned in a lethal dose test that killed more than half the animals. Another test is called acute toxic class method using a small number of animals, but having terrible side effects like excruciating pain, convulsions,loss of motor function and/or uncontrollable seizures. The animals were killed at the end of the test so an autopsy could be performed.
Pyrogenicity: This is a substance that raises an animal's body temperature looking for things that cause fevers.This test is usually tested on rabbits with them getting an injection into their bloodstream and are monitored for increase in temperature. This one isn’t as bad, but there are five other methods that testing on animals.With that being said let's go into alternative methods to animal

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