Animal Testing Persuasive Essay

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Animal testing has been a major issue since it came to the United States. A lot of people believe animal testing is a good thing, but why should animals be tested if they aren’t the same as human beings. Animal testing shows that we as humans care for each other when we need cures, but it also shows that we can be cruel. Animal testing first began in the Early Greek times by scientists such as Aristotle, which occurred back in 322 BC (2). Throughout the many years, animal testing has mainly been occurring in the United States. Over 100 million animals were killed due to animal testing. Chimpanzees are known as one of the animals they’ve been testing on and has almost been set to extinction. It has been said that the experiments for animals have been causing poisoning, burning skin, brain damage, blinding and other harmful procedures (4). The so-called “purpose” of animal testing is for cures to different types of cancers or diseases. The thing that confuses people around the country is how can people test on animals knowing that they’re harming them. It is understandable that we need cures, but there has been said that we have other resources which can be used (1). With that being said, this leads to our next discussion on how much it costs just to allow the animal testing trials to move over to the human …show more content…

Although there have been developed cures, the prices to test on animals are incredibly expensive (5). When they test on animals, they have to be approved to send it over to human clinical trials which already costs hundreds of thousands of dollars(5). Once they send it over, they have to pay tens and hundreds of millions of dollars just to be able to apply it to humans, but even so, some of the cures only work on animals, which is a bunch of time and money going down the drain (5). This leads to our next discussion on why animal testings cure animals but don’t always cure