Animal Testing Persuasive Essay

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After many years of experiments on chimpanzees, the U.S Fish and Wildlife Service as added chimpanzees to the endangered animal list, protecting them from captivity and the world. With the chimpanzee becoming endangered by the these animals experimentation it shows the dangers of theses test on the animals and what it can do to the population of animals if it continues. It´s good that the chimpanzee got endangered because if they didn’t nobody would have got them out of being tested on, my only question is who is going to free the other animals? In this essay i am going to answer is animal testing too cruel and if it is improving human health.
Just this year millions of animals have been killed for animal experimentation, which are suppose to be used for medical test to improve human health but they’re not only being medically experimented on but also chemically experimented on too, and abused. Animal experiments have always been part of history since ancient greek times, when scientist performed experiments on animals …show more content…

I say that animals in cages and restrain them just to see the side effects of medicines. In my research it states that humans and cats have no commonalities, that scientist will do awful things to make these animals have human conditions they weren’t born to have, like cats getting induced to have a stroke to test their medicine causing the cat to have brain damage and scientists making dogs to have heart dieease by tying a wire around one of their arteries, and these are just some of them. In the research i provided it shows that the scientists will do cruel things to cats and dogs to try to make them like humans when they have nothing in common with us and end up resulting in severe damage and or death. This evidence is important because it proves from these two scenarios that scientists are basically torturing these animals to test their products