Pro Animal Testing Essay

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Throughout the history of medical science, many advancements have been made by using animals for research. In fact, there would not be cures or vaccinations for many diseases if it wasn’t for the use of rodents like mice and rats. Even dogs and cats have been saved with a medication tested on another animal. However, if animal testing was to be illegal, it may become more difficult to find cures for an illness like cancer. It is imperative that animal testing is continued in order to find cures, and advance medical technology. Although it may be argued, it is a fact that animal testing has helped save human lives. Serious diseases like herpes simplex, hepatitis B, polio, rabies, malaria, mumps, virus-related conditions, and organ transplantation rejections now have vaccinations and cures because of animal testing. There may not be treatments if doctors weren’t able to test the vaccination through animals. The medical world has advanced tremendously because of animal testing. In fact, according to a study done by the American Medical Association, 99% of active medical doctors in the US believe that animal testing helps medical advancement. If cures for illnesses like cancers want to be found soon, …show more content…

There is now adult stem cell research, which is quicker, and more effective than animal testing. Stem cell research has no complications related to tissue rejection, and overall is much more cutting-edge and technologically advanced than tests on animals. Also, animal testing can be slow, and does not work most of the time. When used in humans for the first time, only 10% of medications work successfully, proving animal testing isn’t a secure option. If humans want cures to illnesses, the answer isn’t using animals, it’s finding other, more proficient ways to test new

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