Pro Animal Testing Essay

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Picture this: You walk into an animal testing laboratory wearing a face mask due to the harsh chemicals in the air, to see animals of all kinds being poked and prodded with needles and exposed to the chemicals in the air. This certainly does not seem legal, right? Wrong. How aware are you of the limitations and practices in animal testing? Were you aware that in fact no experiment is deemed illegal, no matter if it causes harm, pain or even death to the animal? That is the sad, yet unfortunate truth. Animal testing is any test or experiment on animal for scientific research on things like disease, new medications, or product safeness, the most popular -- cosmetics. Believe it or not, animal testing has been going on for almost one thousand years! Testing methods however have changed throughout. Aristotle had one of the first recordings of live animal testing and performing experiments (Scutti). Followed by Galen, whom dissected animals such as goats and pigs. Around the 12th century, Avenzoar soon discovered that he …show more content…

Testing on animals is not solely just for human disorders and diseases. Testing is also done for animals to cure their diseases and illnesses Vaccines that originated from animal testing have created cures for rabies, tetanus, anthrax, etc. These illnesses that have long been affecting animals cause thousands of deaths per year. If it weren’t for these vaccines many animals could have died. It has saved species as a whole. Let’s take a look at the koala. Up to 80% of the population in closed populations have the sexually transmitted disease chlamydia. The effect of chlamydia is mostly different to what human experience -- it’s a different strain of the disease. And it is deadly to them. It affects males, females, and their babies. The disease is passed on to each other and is often to late to cure. However through animal testing, scientists are