Persuasive Essay On Pro Animal Testing

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Over the years, animal testing is and remains a controversial issue that is still continuing to be performed today. At the moment, there are thousands of animals locked up in cages, living in laboratories just for the benefits of human beings. When does the benefits for human beings become superior to the value and quality of life for these animals? As one grows in this society, the value of life is given a great emphasis whether it be another human being or an animal. It is taught to treat others the way you want to be treated. Animals are living beings who deserve to be respected and treated just like anyone else. They are seen as not having a voice, unable to give consent, therefore giving human beings a reason to say it is okay to test on them, taking away their right to live the life they deserve ignoring the fact that they feel pain. Animal testing has provided some benefits such as …show more content…

Opponents of animal testing would argue that using animals as test subjects is just plain cruel and inhumane. Animals are living things that are no less than the human species and deserve to be treated fairly and justly. They have some intelligence, they could be taught to do things and most importantly they feel pain. Dogs can be trained to be support animals or even police dogs, dolphins mourn their dead and so forth. Even though they may not have a voice they feel pain just like any human would. The testing that is done on them leaves in horrible states, some end up dead and some left in worse conditions than they previously were. Those in support of animal testing also argue that there are alternatives available to testing on animals. Things such as human volunteers, human cells and tissues and even computer model programs. Volunteer testing gives the individual the option to express their rights and the alternative tests themselves will provide more accurate results and more information decreasing any harm to