
Persuasive Essay: Should Animal Testing Be Tested On?

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Should animal testing continue?
Lara corona

Do you think animals should be tested on? Animals being tested on has been a major argument in science for years. Scientists believe that animal testing and experimentation is the only way they can discover many medical breakthroughs. Others believe they should not be tested on due to their ability to have emotions and feeling just as us. Animal experimentation has not only played a part in many major medical advances, including the development of antibiotics, vaccines, and many more medical breakthroughs, but have saved so many lives as well. There are many times where lifesaving drugs were created from experiments that were run on animals , animal testing should not be frowned on due to animal testing opening doors to many future cures and treatments.

One of the major reasons we should let animal testing be approved is due to the fact that animal testing has contributed to so many life saving cures. One of the major breakthroughs has been the saving of lives with people who have diabetes. When researchers experimented on dogs that had their pancreases removed it led directly to the discovery of insulin,critical to patients with diabetes. Not only saving lives of thousands but just by experimenting on a dog we accomplished this. “Animal research has …show more content…

Things such as vaccines, antibiotics, surgical procedures, and other approaches developed in animals for human use, are now commonly employed throughout veterinary medicine. Pets, livestock, and animals in zoos live longer, more comfortable, and healthier lives as a result of animal research. Tons of animals have been saved due to the fact that they've been tested on before. “If vaccines were not tested on animals, millions of animals would have died from rabies, distemper, feline leukemia and other major diseases”. This goes to shows that not only human benefit from research on animals but they do as

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