Persuasive Essay: Should Animal Testing Be Banned?

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There are many topics that most people cringe when it comes up in a conversation and would rather change the subject. A big topic that most do not find enjoyable is the testing of animals. Not only should they be informed of the dreadful effects testing has on animals but also the fact that researchers do not have an exact idea if the drugs will work or not. They do not care if it harms the animal in any way, they go through the procedures routinely. Even if the drugs end up working on the animals, they do not know if it will work on humans because we don't have the same body chemistry or anatomy as them. Therefore, it is important to be aware because it should be illegal due to its horrible effects on the animals and even humans. Animals testing should be banned because it produces unreliable research, it is extremely harmful for …show more content…

One of the reasons that animal testing should be banned is because it produces unreliable research. The fact that we don't have the same anatomy or body chemistry as animals, there is no way to tell the result. For example, there was a research study in animals for a drug called Vioxx. This medicine was for arthritis and was announced to be safe when they tested in monkeys. When they gave it to humans, about 320,000 heart attacks and strokes occurred while there were 140,000 deaths worldwide ( This was enough to cause over 3,800 product liability and injury lawsuits which resulted in the company pulling off the medicine from the market in September 2004 (Gartner 1). While it was horrifying that all of this happened to so many people, it is even more horrifying to know that this fell on animal testing. This is an extreme