Persuasive Essay On Animal Testing

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Animal testing is nothing new or unheard of. It’s been a major issue within many countries for several years, in fact it started with the Feinstein-Collins bill in which allowed for the deaths of many animals due to the harsh chemicals in cosmetic products. This bill requires the testing of products before the production and distribution to the public. The companies were unable to test on humans due to the risk of chemical malfunctions, so large corporations turned to small animal like rats, mice and rabbits to be their test subjects. This inhumane act was not taken well by the public, and laws soon changed to fight for animal rights in several countries. This worldwide issue connects well with the novel Frankenstein because not only is the testing of the animals unnatural but inhumane and dangerous to multiple groups living subjects. To begin, it is crucial to discuss the monstrosity of …show more content…

Animals weren’t put on this earth to endur man-made products and chemicals. They weren’t made to be held captive by humans either, but humans don’t see the damage they are doing to these creatures. Some of the effects of animal testing include loss of hearing and the other senses, impaired movement, loss of the ability to reproduce, disfigurement of the body, and loss of life (the most common effect). These outcomes not only endanger the animal but the whole species, for if the animals can’t reproduce normally or they lose their life, the population of that species declines gradually over many years. This sad reality is transparent to the companies creating it, and as long as the product makes money these companies still oversee these issues and use animals to test these products. Another point to make is that the animals don’t have the same genetics as humans and it is basically pointless to use them as subjects for these experiments. According to James H. Yahr,