Persuasive Essay On Animal Testing

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Yes, we have to test new products before you expose it to the public, but why test it on animals? It’s not like they signed up for it, so don’t do it! Just because animals can’t legit mentally communicate by language to say stop doesn't give you the right to go and test products on them. Testing new products on animals is cruel, unreliable, and dangerous. First of all, It’s unfair to the animals that die because of the experiments that go wrong. Second, It’s not always accurate, so if something goes well with some species of animal, then it doesn't mean that it will necessarily go well with humans or with whoever the product is used on. Lastly, I think it’s unacceptable to use animals to test products because, if you test it on an animal the …show more content…

In order to have an accurate experiment, you have to test the product on a species that shares the same biological sense as the other animal or human that will be using the product. The species with the closest biological sense as humans are most likely primates. Primates aren’t commonly foud here in North America, which means that you have to ship from another location. Primates such as capuchins, ape’s, and monkeys are mainly found in Africa. Shiping a Primate from Africa is already complicated because of paying the ticket and all that. If my research is correct then a capuchin monkey should be about $650. That still would not be the total price because like I said 9 out of 10 experiments fail, so if after you multiply 650 by 9 you get $5850. If you ask me spending 5850 dollars on an experiment for a new product is really overpriced. Those are only the financial problems, taking 9 primates out of they’re natural habitat is wrong and inconvenient because believe it or not some primates can eat other primates that are more minuscule. My point is that testing new products on animals isn’t always accurate, and even if you do get a species with the same biological sense as a human then at the end of the end your spending $5850 on your experiment, not to mention that, that $5850 was only dying on the primates that will be testing the