
Pros And Cons Of Animal Testing

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When it comes to the topic of testing the consumer products before putting them out on the market, a controversial issue has been whether animal testing is still viable or not. On one hand, many people are against animal testing and experimentation, arguing that alternatives such as computer modeling, and other scientific inventions would be as effective as animal testing. On the other hand, some argue that it’s viable, it makes products safe for us to use, and has helped discover treatments for diseases. I agree that animal testing is viable because it advances human and animal health, allowing us to move forward in life, and live a long and healthy existence.
Consumer products such as: chemicals, drugs, and food are necessities that humans …show more content…

Hair, cosmetics and personal care products are used by many people around the world. The purpose of testing these products is to ensure that there is no irritation on the scalp, eyes, lips or skin. Tests on animals need to take place in order to test the harming level of a product. Researching on animals allows effective results allowing scientist to label a product with helpful information such as the its resistance to heat, and if its flammable. Experimenting on animals allows reliable information as to what will happen while using the …show more content…

Richard Klausner, former director of the National Cancer Institute to Los Angeles Times, wrote an article on the history of cancer research on animals. Klausner himself states, “The history of cancer research has been a history of curing cancer in the mouse. We have cured mice of cancer for decades – and it simply didn’t work in humans” (Klausner). Klausner is stating that the treatment that was intended to work successfully in humans, was only successful in mice. Should animal testing be stopped because it might not work? Using a mouse as a way to develop a treatment for cancer may not work, however, that is just one method conducted by one person for developing a treatment to cure cancer. There are animals specially used for every experiment conducted and for the treatment of cancer mice are not used, but monkeys are. Having more than one scientist conduct the same experiments will decrease the chances of false information from leaving the

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