Why Do Animal Testing Persuasive Essay

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Animal Testing Should we do it? Animal Testing has many harmful effects. Animal Testing has been used for over 100 years for many different reasons and purposes. Cosmetic Animal testing (which is the most common use of Animal Testing) has been banned in the European Union, India, Israel, and Norway. Here are a few ideas why we should not do it, Animals are very different from human beings and therefore make poor test subjects. According to the New England Anti-Vivisection Society the anatomic, metabolic, and cellular differences between animals and people make animals poor models for human beings. This would be fair to say that we have spent millions of dollars on testing animals, Okay I’m going to use a scenario let’s say rats alone we spend …show more content…

Yes, we did but the intended purpose of this whole thing was to cure cancer for humans not animals. This might sound like a far-fetched idea but is one to consider. We have seen this idea in films, a couple are Planet of the Apes, 21 days Later, I am Legend, although they are considered Sci-fi no one really knows what happens in a science-lab they only release the information after the experiment which is the correct way if you use the scientific method which I’m sure everyone is familiar with. My Next argument against Animal Testing is the morality of all of this why would someone want to kill or Harm something that doesn’t have any problems with it at all. They have to use a healthy animal to start off with to use as a variable to notice the effects of their testing, this is not fair nor right to the animal. This is also done just so you can have clean hair and skin, and so you can look pretty, which we take for granite. Test which animals go through are horrible, according to a Q & A done by Humane Society International about Cosmetics Animal Testing an Animals skin is shaved and rubbed with chemicals, then they put chemicals in their eyes, but it gets worse they also make them swallow the chemicals