Persuasive Essay On Animal Testing

961 Words4 Pages

Student name: Lai Yeuk Tung
Student number: 54176084
Meaningless Animal Testing

In US, over 100 million animals are used for testing every year. They suffer and die with burning, crippling, poisoning and abusing in laboratories. These are used in various research fields such as chemistry, drug, nutriment, cosmetics tests and medical training exercises. Animal
Experiments in US cost billions of dollars every year, around 3 trillion of US dollars spends on researches in the health care field. According to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Challenges and Opportunities Report, FDA, 2004 , over 90 percent of drugs fail in human clinical trials because of dangerous or ineffective, in which the drugs are effective and safe in testing animals. Less than 10% of experimental drugs are useful for human,
Only a small percentage of drugs are approved for human use, over half of them are disable relabeled due to the animals does not have that side effects. However, the Animal Welfare Act (AWA) in US exempts the use of amphibians, …show more content…

With more people concerning about the cruelty of animal welfare, companies can improve their image or reputation by banning animal testing. The government should invite companies, especially cosmetics companies to adopt a cruelty-free policy and sign a “cruelty-free” pledge. These can raise more awareness of animal welfare, cosmetics companies may also attract new customers.
The above researches are enough to prove animal testing is pointless. It is ethically wrong, animals are treated cruelty by humans. We have no priority in doing this, human and animals both are living creatures which have the same soul. Experimental animals are not reliable, they are biologically similar to human, but there are enormous differences in physiological reactions. The usage of animal testing is wasting money and time, it does not make much advance medical as we suppose to