Persuasive Essay On Animal Testing

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All throughout the years, animal testing has been a very controversial debate, whether or not it is humane or completely cruel to the animals involved. This kind of testing on animals does not always leave the animal alive, which leaves people furious as to why scientists even test on them. New drugs sometimes are tested on animals first, but the most used animal testing companies are makeup ones. Animal testing in inhumane because testing on animal does not always yield same results as in humans and too many animals die in result of the tests. There are many different viewpoints on why some people think that animal testing is resourceful and helpful towards humans, but there is always two sides of every story. Now that the year is 2016, more and more companies are banning testing their products on animals. Many people these days will not even think about a product if it was tested on animals which in turn will make the company lose money. While testing on animals has been around for decades, many people are not so sure about the results of it and how come so many animals …show more content…

Even UW-Madison had a huge problem with animal testing on cats that they eventually shut down the lab early 2015. While this is not the only school that still has animals testing laboratories, it is one of many that will eventually be shut down for good. Some things that can be done to help stop the testing on animals, is to buy only products that are vegan or cruelty free, which will in turn end testing, because if no one is buying products that were tested on animals, companies will lose money and they will not want that. Animal testing in inhumane because testing on animal does not always yield same results as in humans and too many animals die in result of the tests. It may be inhumane, but at some points of research it can be helpful to understand how a drug or product may effect a human