
Persuasive Essay: When Should Animal Testing Be Stopped?

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Animal testing is a way of testing human products and medicines. Some people think that this should be a good thing so scientists and doctors are aware of what could happen with certain products, but animal testing is cruel and wrong. It’s abuse of animals and many animals need to suffer and die just so humans can test their products. Animal testing is unnecessary abuse towards animals and should be stopped.
Firstly, animal testing should be stopped because there are other resources out there that can replace animals so none are harmed. For example, in the article “ANIMAL TESTING Lifesaving Research VS. Animal Welfare” the text states, “New technology, such as computer models and cloned tissue samples, is available to replace animals in experiments.” Since there is other available technology to test and experiment on, hurting and abusing animals for that is unnecessary. Some technology may be even more accurate than testing on …show more content…

For example, on the website article “Harm and Suffering” the text states, “Animals in labs suffer not only pain from protocols, but also severe stress from day-to-day laboratory life. They spend their lives in barren cages, unable to make choices or express natural behaviors. Most never experience fresh air or sunshine, only bars and concrete. Those few facilities that provide some outside caging typically rotate the animals, giving them limited and infrequent amounts of time outdoors.” So, not only are animals suffering with pain, but they rarely get to go outdoors and they are kept in small cages. This is stressing the animals out and they never get fresh air. That is sad and cruel at the least. This is not the way animals are meant to be treated. They are supposed to get fresh air and exercise, both of which they are not getting. All in all, animals being used for testing treated in very poor

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