Persuasive Essay On Animal Testing

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Animal experimentation, a worldwide used process to use animals as testing devices. Although that may sound bad, there is much worse things that they don’t tell you about it. Thousands of animals are experimented on to test and see results in the lab. To see what effects many chemicals have. Animals are not test subjects, two reasons to support my claim are: Animals are living creatures with pain and feelings. Although in the counter argument we hear: They are just animals who cares what happens to them.

Animals are not test subjects. Animals were not put down here on this earth in order for them to be used as devices in order to test different kinds of medicine. I cannot imagine animals such as dogs, or even little bunnies or mice being tested on. Animals are not ours. Animals are real creatures. They are for our benefit, to help us and for us. Little animals big or small should not be mistreated or tested on (Animal Testing Unit: Online 2016). It is wrong for humans to mistreat and hurt or test animals. Certain medicines and drugs which are harmful are not for animal use. …show more content…

While it is true that animals may not be as close to as smart we humans are. They do in through nerves and the brain. When these animals are tested on, not only do they feel the pain of needles or anything else being tested. But they feel the worst pain which is the aftermath of that medicine. That is why you are testing it because you don’t know the effects of it. And it is shown that many animals die during this process or are hurt majorly in some way (Animal Testing Facilities: Ours 2016). They don’t think or talk like us, but one thing they do feel is pain. And because of that they should not be tested on. Abuse to animals is pointless. And we get very little research out of