Persuasive Essay On Animal Testing

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Imagine your favorite pet having makeup , hair products and other items being tested on it. Would your cat or dog be happy? Would you allow them to suffer and be mistreated? This is the reality of hundreds of mices, monkeys and other animals being tested on. Animal testing is not healthy nor is it morally correct for humans or animals. Animal testing began in the ancient times. It began to attempt to understand anatomy and the differences between animals and humans. During the 17th century, animal testing was used to demonstrated blood circulation. It became widespread in the 19th century due to the availability of anaesthetics. “This large expansion reflected a growing medical field; animals had played a part in most medical advances of the 20th century including insulin, the polio vaccine, penicillin and the elimination of smallpox”, says Understanding Animal Research. ( UAR, “History of Animal Research ).
Although, we’ve made may improvements in medicine due to animal testing it is spending government dollars. In a governmental study it was found that 12-14.5 billion dollars were spent on animal research alone each year. This is money we could use for hospitals and schools. There are less expensive and more effective ways of testing medicine and products. From using cells to computers these alternatives range from hundreds to …show more content…

If a medicine works on an animal it doesn’t mean it will work on humans. Most medicine that work on animal fail on humans. As Neurologist Aysha Akhtar says “ Animal experiments fail because no matter how many physiologic similarities there may be between other animals and humans, there are just too many differences.” (Akhtar). An example of the failure of animal tested products is Vioxx. It was supposed to be an anti-inflammatory drug. It was approved by the FDA but ended up being linked to many deaths and strokes. If this trend continues we will lose millions of people to animal tested