Persuasive Essay On Animal Testing

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Imagine that there were such things as aliens, and they were much more technologically advanced than us. These aliens were about the same proportionality of intelligence over us that we are over animals. They had a sickness that they were trying to cure but needed test subjects. The aliens chose humans because of their ‘genetic similarity’ even though humans and aliens are two completely different species. The aliens gathered bunches of humans to begin the tests. In the humans minds it came up that these studies were inhumane, even though they were being tested to try and help the aliens. On the other hand, the aliens deemed humans incapable of knowing what was going on and didn’t see a problem. In the testing the humans were sliced open, drugged, burned, and killed. Now replace the aliens for humans and humans for animals, this is exactly what we are doing to animals.

Animal testing has been used for scientific research for over 1,000 years, in this time and day animal testing is used for anything from testing …show more content…

Frankie L. Trull, the President of the Foundation for Biomedical Research supports this statement in her article “Animal-Test Research Has Saved Many Human Lives”. Mrs.Trull says,”...animal systems provide invaluable and irreplaceable insights into human systems because there are striking similarities between our physiological and genetic systems.” Although animals and humans have similar body parts, the genetic structure of their system is to different to be relied on for accurate research. According to, “94% of drugs that pass animal tests fail in human clinical trials.” Animals and humans have been on their own evolutionary path for millions of years. Both species have developed their own distinct features that differentiates the two. Meaning the two species wouldn’t react the same to all