Persuasive Essay On Animal Testing Pros And Cons

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Animal testing has been around for thousands of years and has strong support and opposition. Animals are used to test everything from makeup, to medicine, and household chemicals. Those who are in favor of using animal testing are looking to save human and animal lives as well as reduce human pain and suffering. Those against animal testing say that animals often are not similar enough to humans and that they suffer unnecessarily. In order to know about animal testing, it is important to know about its history, benefits, and negative effects.

History of animal testing has been around for a long time. In source two, it states, “ Animals are used to develop medical treatments, determine the toxicity of medications...research on living animals has been practiced since at least the 500 BC.” This shows that animal testing is a big deal to some people. You can see by this that if it’s been around for so long then it had to of helped with some diseases. Another thing the text states, is “An estimated of 26 million animals are used every year in the United States for scientific and commercial testing.” But …show more content…

In source two paragraph eleven, it states, “Animal testing has contributed to many life-saving cures and treatments...nearly every medical breakthrough in that last 100 years has resulted directly from research using animals.” You notice by the quote that testing on animals has helped humans for the last 100 years. It shows that animal testing is a very important thing to have if it has helped in the past. Furthermore, the text also states, “Animals are appropriate research subjects because hey are similar to humans beings in many ways...all have the same set of organs.” You can see by this that animals are similar to humans. Then again they help prevent and stop diseases that humans get, for example, breast cancer. In the end, there are multiple benefits to animal testing that many don't know