Animal Testing Persuasive Essay

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Over one hundred million animals are tested on every year, that including mice, rats, frogs, dogs, cats, rabbits, monkeys, guinea pigs, fish, and birds. These animals aren’t just tested on for all good reasons, they have discovered cures for both animals and humans from these test results! Although some believe animal testing is wrong, some individuals believe it should continue to be allowed due to it continuously saving millions of human and animal lives with medical advancements, also considering the fact that the animals aren’t actually treated that bad.
Animal testing has been around from all the way back to 384 to 322 BC. For example, an arab physician in the twelfth century used an animal to conduct a surgery before having the surgery done unto a human to make sure it was safe. Test conducted on animals have been used for testing medicines, surgeries, and vaccines. The information we retrieve from these test determine if it’s safe to give out these products to the public or not.
Animals like mice have shorter life cycles allowing scientist to see how it affects one over their entire life span. Animal testing has saved multiple humans lives, and made helpful vaccines, like the polio vaccine. …show more content…

Animal test subjects are actually protected by state law when they are undergoing test, there are certain things scientist are not allowed to do to secure animals safety. Sources have claimed that “71,370 animals suffered pain during experiments while being given no anesthesia for relief”, but if we were to do away with animal testing, it could be 71,370 humans suffering pain during experiments. Animals being used for test have to be treated well for the results to not be affected. They are treated nicely and mostly don’t undergo stress so the results can be