Persuasive Essay On Pro Animal Testing

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As technology increases and advances, medical science advances as well. With every new finding, progress is being made and life improved. While new technologies have aided in advancement greatly, there is one form of discovery and testing that has time and time again been proven to be effective: animal testing. Using animals for medical research has been extremely controversial, and some groups are protesting in order to outlaw this method of gathering beneficial information. What these protesters may not realize, though, is that the use of animals in medical and scientific experiments has saved a multitude of lives over the decades and has improved our everyday health. Animal testing should remain legal in all states due to the fact that it …show more content…

According to the Biomedical Research Association, animal testing has led to almost all revolutionary medical discoveries that have occurred in the past century (“CBRA: Fact Sheet” 2). One of these notable discoveries was that of the polio vaccine; with the polio vaccine, the number of cases diminished from hundreds of thousands to only hundreds, in the course of 25 years (“Poliomyelitis”). Another discovery, that with the help of animal testing has saved multiple lives, is that of insulin. The invention of insulin is a necessity for survival to those diagnosed with diabetes, and it’s all thanks to experiments done on animals (Badyal and Chetna 258). In addition to these, many other medical breakthroughs have occurred because of animal testing; just a few of these include the treatment of tetanus, leprosy, tuberculosis, brucellosis, and Prontosil, one of the first antibacterial treatments (Badyal and Chetna 258). Over the years, it is likely that with these discoveries and more, millions of lives have been spared, and even more have been able to live happier, healthier lives. It seems almost a cruel action towards humanity to take away something that has the potential to save more lives and cure more