Persuasive Essay Against Animal Testing

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Why Animal Testing Should Be Illegal
115 million animals were tested on worldwide throughout last year, and 100,000 of those animals died while protecting humans from harmful products. Animals are being treated not as living things, but test subjects. More animals are dying due to the chemicals scientists are putting in their bodies. Animals shouldn’t be tested on because some of those that are tested on die due to a mimicked disease, the pain that they endure is basically animal abuse, and the testing could go well for animals, but backfire on humans.
Animals die due to testing because a mimicked disease could cause pain because their immune system wouldn’t be used to the disease and/or chemicals that were put into the animals
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After reading this, people will see that these testing are extremely harmful to animals.
The pain animals endure during testing is so harmful, it’s basically animal abuse. Animals are put through a lot of pain and suffering. Tiny mice are given tumors bigger than their bodies.
Kittens are being blinded purposely. Rats suffer seizures, and primates are having their skull getting cut open, just so scientists can implant wires in their brains. Animals are being put through pain most people can’t imagine, which is what the second thesis was about. Now readers will see that animals do get tortured just to keep humans safe.
The testing could go well for animals, but backfire on humans which means do we have to test on animals if it’s non affective. Even if a product was tested on animals, some humans have gotten sick or have died due to a product. Vioxx, a drug to treat arthritis, was safe and ready to be put on the market when tested on animals, but has caused many heart attacks, strokes, and deaths. This thesis stated that the product could affect humans but not animals and evidence states that humans have died even though the products were tested. Even though some humans