Persuasive Essay On Animal Testing

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How would you feel if you were an animal ,that got randomly selected to get an experiment done on ? yeah, very scary huh ? Well in my research paper i am putting a view on that situation, and how the selected animals should be recognized and rewarded for their risky life being used. Animals are just as scared ,then humans are in any situation, so why not reward them for their disabilities. With that being said, I am willing to put a stop on the animal disability on their choice of being tested. Animals should never be experimented, nor tested on . The result of animal testing could harmfully lead to a major injury , infection , and even death. If an animal is denying the force to not be tested , than that means no. Just because …show more content…

In 2009 , it was proven that more than 300 cases were held due to animal cruelty because of animal testing. We don’t need anymore cases to be on animals due to them dying or close to dying because they were tested . Furthermore, it is still a unwanted act. Using mice and rats to test the safety of drugs in humans are only accurate 43% of the time, so why not just use humans to test it on since we are the ones who’s going to use it anyways. We shouldn’t make animals suffer because we want something. Think of animals as if they were yours, don’t hurt them. Let’s put yourself in the animals shoes, humans love chocolate, raisins, macadamia nuts , and grapes, but those things are toxic to dogs. If you experiment that on a dog first, then it might wouldn’t have even made it to humans because it’s so toxic to dogs. Instead of animal testing they should try human testing sounds a lot better. In the end the moral status of animals is questioned. Are they on the level of people, property, or pets.Most would not put animals in the same category as humans so giving them the same rights seem dumb to us. Which is not a legitimate reason to say it’s of and treat animals like non-living