Persuasive Essay On Pro Animal Testing

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How would you feel if you were a small helpless rabbit and you were constantly being shaved to put lotions on or having drops or cosmetics put in your eyes or chemicals and pills forced down your throat against your will. This is what is happening to hundreds of millions of animals around the world each year. More than 100 million animals are killed each year in the U.S in laboratories for biology lessons, medical training, curiosity-driven experimentation and chemical, drug, food and cosmetics testing.that is more than 3 animals each second. 72% of people surveyed believe that animal testing is unethical and an even larger 78% of people surveyed believed that development of other ways of testing products and chemicals is important. Today i …show more content…

All of these brands have something in common and no it’s not that they are all cosmetics or beauty brands it is that they all still test their products on animals. And whilst there are some advantages to animal testing there are more disadvantages than advantages when it comes to animal testing Animal testing is done all over the world and in different areas of life for things like cosmetics, chemicals, drugs, food, and just curiosity. Many different animals are used , animal like rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, rats and mice are used in all different areas of animal testing while other animals like dogs and monkeys are solely used for testing chemicals. There are many different types of tests run on animals as i mentioned earlier they shave the fur of certain animals to rub lotions and sunscreens and other products on their skin to determine whether a reaction will occur. In some laboratories they bred mice with a rare gene known as the ‘nude gene’ where a mouse was born without any fur, the only problem with this was that only 50% of the offspring carried the gene and if they did not carry the gene and were born with hair they would be killed by crushing their heads or hitting them against something hard until they died. Another common form of animal testing is when they use animals to determine the lethal dose. This is when they